Halfway to Spring!
We are now officially at the halfway point of Winter, which means we are half way to Spring!
Looking out the window, all of the trees are barren of leaves, and at first glance, would appear dead. In just a little over two more months, they will awaken from their winter slumber and greet the sun with freshly sprouted leaves. Quite frankly, I know *exactly* how they feel ;-)
This winter has been a bit strange, normally in NE Ohio, we can expect that there will be snow on the ground in late December for the holidays, this year, it was not quite snow weather out:
This past week we were reminded that it is indeed Winter still, when a nice package of cold air was delivered from Alaska. Luckily, it had lost a lot of its punch by the time it reached us, but it certainly was still quite cold:
Note for all you metric minded folks, these temps are in Fahrenheit - so "-11" is pretty darn COLD!
Granted, it is nowhere near the -40 experienced in Alaska by this same blanket of frigid air, but for us Ohioans, it was plenty cold enough.
I pity the folks who have pleasant weather all year around, they just can't properly appreciate the climate, unless you have been through a real winter - one that reminds you that there are FOUR seasons, and not just three :-)
Oh well, who am I kidding, I'd love to be able to ride my motorcycle year 'round and not have to garage it for four months out of the year...
Labels: winter still sucks
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